Special functions in datafiles

Datafiles (or in Excel Simple format simply a tab “data”) generally hold the data for one or more testcases.

The first line of the datafile holds the header line. Each cell in the header must have a unique value and acts as variablename, which you can use for checking, for IF-Statements or as values to write into fields or compare with assertions.

Additionally there are some reserved names that deliver the following functionality:

Field names in Datafiles and their function
Field name Description
TC Expected Error (!sic) When set to value X, the Test case is supposed to fail. If it fails (as expected) the status of the testcase is set to OK.
JSON Please don’t use this fieldname, as we’re using it internally to store data.
Timelog Please don’t use this fieldname, as we’re using it internally to store the timelog during execution of the test case.