baangt.TestSteps package


baangt.TestSteps.Exceptions module

exception baangt.TestSteps.Exceptions.baangtTestStepException(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: Exception

baangt.TestSteps.TestStepMaster module

class baangt.TestSteps.TestStepMaster.TestStepMaster(executeDirect=True, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Will check all links on the current webpage

Result will be written into “CheckedLinks” in TestDataDict

If theres a returncode >= 400 in the list, we’ll mark the testcase as failed

doPDFComparison(lValue, lFieldnameForResults='DOC_Compare')
doSaveData(toField, valueForField, lLocatorType, lLocator)

Save fields. Either from an existing DICT (usually in API-Mode) or from a Webelement (in Browser-Mode)

  • toField
  • valueForField
  • lLocatorType
  • lLocator

no return parameter. The implicit return is a value in a field.


Method is overwritten in all children/subclasses


Executes a sequence of Commands. Will be subclassed in other modules. :param executionCommands: :return:

executeDirectSingle(commandNumber, command, replaceFromDict=None)

This will execute a single instruction

static ifQualifyForExecution(version_global, version_line)

This function will test version_global and version_line @return True or False

iterate_json(data, key)
manageNestedCondition(condition='', ifis=False)
replaceAllVariables(lValue, lValue2, replaceFromDict=None)
replaceVariables(expression, replaceFromDict=None)

The syntax for variables is currently $(<column_name_from_data_file>). Multiple variables can be assigned in one cell, for instance perfectly fine: “http://$(BASEURL)/$(ENDPOINT)”

There’s a special syntax for the faker module: $(FAKER.<fakermethod>).

Also a special syntax for API-Handling: $(APIHandling.<DictElementName>).

@param expression: the current cell, either as fixed value, e.g. “Franzi” or with a varible $(DATE) @return: the replaced value, e.g. if expression was $(DATE) and the value in column “DATE” of data-file was

“01.01.2020” then return will be “01.01.2020”

Module contents